rio 2016Curb your enthusiam.  Just Kidding, please don’t.  As a matter of fact please share it.  Watching the 2016 Olympics has lit a fire in me.  I love to see other people getting excited about something and then watch the joy just explode in a room like everyone was just waiting for that moment.  We have all felt it. It is like a wave of happiness and elation that is contagious.   I can just see how the woman with  the Chewbacca mask went viral in a nano second.  You see Joy is universal, it is a language that translates well.     When something bubbles up in you, do you enjoy it to the fullest?  Or stifle it like Archie Bunker used to tell Edith?    I call it a case of the simples.  Something ridiculous can tickle me like no comedian. I can laugh out loud for so long I embarrass my children… It is after all the calling card of a mom.

chewbacca mom

Speaking of enthusiasm, joy and bliss,  isn’t amazing as to who is Not on board when it is your turn.  Why is it that other people tear us, down instead of jumping on the happy train.  Why do we even let them?   Our job in life,  I am convinced is not to have the most toys at the end of the day.  Our job is to have the most smiles and small pleasures.  When we connect to whatever brings us good feelings, it is so good we want more.  There is a frequency to enthusiasm.   I will have more Please..


So what happens when someone’s  passion has nothing to do with you? Do you take it personally or do you encourage? How big of a cheerleader for other peoples passions are you? I remember being a kid and we would get rowdy and being told to calm down.  That is not what I am talking about.   When we curb our enthusiasm do we unintentionally lower the vibe? We are not everyone’s parent.  We are the observers and maybe we get to share in something better than the mundane when we have compassion.   The next time you go to gossip about what is another persons passion is, catch yourself.  Be the one to encourage, no skin off your back.   Lift people don’t sink them.  Even it they are not that good.  Who  cares?

I get so inspired by other people passions.  What brings joy in another is what makes them an individual.  Passionate people usually have something in common with others that have a passion.  They are never bored and they are quick to encourage.   I do not think I have ever been bored in my life.  There are way too many things I have not tried. A day being bored is a day wasted.  Don’t cry for me Argentina, I have not missed out too much.   At 50 I tried paddle boarding for the first time,  at 53 mountain biking,  at 54 I launched a blog.   The funny thing is I was not afraid to try any of those and now I love to write and I love to paddle board.   Yay me.   What the heck was I waiting for?? Someone to knock  on the door??? Who knows .  All I know for sure is I want to be the girl that slides into the grave saying ..   “Wow.. what an adventure !!!”  Encourage me please to live my best life always.   I will do the same thing for you.  Don’t wait for someone you know to knock  on your door.  Give yourself permission now to do anything you have never tried but want to.  Life is way to short to wonder.  Life can be challenging or thrilling, our choice.    I have no idea what this year is going to bring, but I know this for sure, if a spark flies in my  heart and says  “Try.”  I am just going to Do it!!!  Thank you Nike.612010_just_do_it.jpg



As my little sister always signs her emails.  BE DO HAVE.  Amen sister!!


Who is better than you???? NOBODY!!!


Happy Six month Anniversary readers.  Thank you 🙂  Love you so much. XOXO