You know the answer!! Yes, we love our four legged friends. Dogs are often time the lifeline we need to feel whole in this crazy mixed up world of NON Stop. I did not know the unconditional love of a dog until I was in my thirties, but I have to say I really don’t think I will ever be without one. Having a dog is like the special ingredient in a family that makes it whole. Yes dogs for centuries have inspired us to live more full lives filled with the unconditional love we long to have.
I have had only two dogs in my life. Max and Scooter. Both miniature short haired black and tan dachshunds. I had no idea what I had been missing until they showed up. About 21 years ago I bought a house with my future husband and he insisted in order for the house to feel like a home we needed a dog. So went went looking for a puppy. We both had fallen in love with my friend Linda’s dog and decided we would look for a doxie. I have to say it was one of the best decisions of my life. Little did I know then that this, adorable, precious dog was going to teach me about myself, my neighbors, the animal kingdom in general. As you know from reading my blogs I have two speeds fast and stop. There is usually no slowing down, except with my dog and yoga. Max was truly a God/Dog send to me. Maxie was the best friend who never judged me. He made me slow down and actually look at the trees in front of me. Greet my neighbors and say hello. Max thought he was the Mayor of Coral Ridge. Always wagging his tail, always looking for a pat on the head.
There are so many reasons that Dogs make people more open and compassionate. They actually humanize us. I truly believe that a dog will take on it’s owners personality. I have witnessed this time and time again. An aggressive person will have a naturally aggressive dog. A loving kind person will have a sweet nature friendly dog. What you put in is what comes back out. Our dogs are reflections of who we are. They demonstrate loyalty and patience. Dogs discriminate people and other dogs bases on their vibe. I totally trust when Scooter does or does not like a person or another dog. His intuition is usually spot on. It is so weird . There is a dog and owner that everyone in my neighborhood avoids. I am sure it is not the dogs fault, but is not strange that dogs know this??? This morning I took Scooter for a walk thinking about what I wanted to write and don’t ya know he did it again. A man on our walk pulled into his driveway. Scooter would not leave until he got out of the car. Sometimes it is a little embarrassing. Like I feel like I am stalker or something. Sure enough the man walks over and Scooter gets validated. A pat on the head and small talk. I had never met this neighbor before. Super nice guy, now I have to ask you?? How did Scooter know this guy was going to be friendly and nice??
Dogs are super smart. They know when you are down and need to play. They lick your tears when it is all too much . For many lonely people in the world they give them their purpose and companionship. There is a reason college campuses and nursing homes offer pet therapy. Dogs are simply good for our well being. I will take more of that kind of love please.
I totally get why the Queen Elizabeth surrounds herself with her adorable Corgi’s. She is loved and accepted for who she is. This makes her feel whole.
The smile on her face …. genuine.
Two of my favorite vacation days in my life have dogs in them. One was when I visited my Auntie Sue and family and she took me up to walk her dog Prince in a big wide open field covered in clover in Farnham, Surrey. The place is called Devils Jump . It was about 30 years ago. Why do I remember it? I had gone on a lot of walks with my aunt that week. I think what made it memorable was being with her beloved dog Prince in the big wide open space surrounded rolling hills and clover. The connection between two people, a dog and nature was beautiful, naturally.
The other one was in Park City, Utah. I was with my Mom and daughter on a hike. There were wild flowers every where. Dogs jumping in the air chasing butterflies. Heaven on earth. Yes, I believe dogs can teach us a lot. Like live in the moment, play, wipe someone’s tears away, and unconditional love. When my kids were little and they would have bad dreams I knew the the way to calm them down was to scratch their back and talk about puppy dogs and butterflies. Think about it does it calm you down?? I believe dogs are one of God’s best gifts to the planet. I also think it is pretty cool that when you spell His name backward it is DOG! Coincidence … I think not.
Who is better than you?? Nobody.
We had our poodle, Misty, with us for 17 years. The end was so heartbreaking that I don’t care to repeat the experience. Since we’ve become empty-nesters, we like being pet-free for many reasons. But we have many fond memories of our furry family member.
Ahh, lovely photos. A great photo of my Mum and Prince. Lovely memories x
I think this site holds some rattling great info for everyone : D.
Thank you for the terrific post
With thanks! Valuable information!