Transitions are constantly happening to all of us whether we realize it not. I believe the New Year and birthdays are the reminders for us all to Wake Up and realize time is passing by. Every year that passes we reflect on what we have accomplished….or not. Weddings, anniversary’s, trips, graduations, retirements.. All a notch in our life line between the dash of the date we were born and the date that we die. Transitions happen sometimes by chance and sometimes on purpose. I am big believer in trying to change with as much grace as possible. When we are going through a major transition like a new baby or new marriage often times the stress is unbelievable because we lack the faith that everything is going to be all right. At 25 I was wild and free, by the time I was 33 I was really starting to stress about not being married and having babies. If I knew then what I know now……
Every major milestone in my life up until I was about 50…. I stressed over. Buying house, getting married, having kids, getting divorced, raising kids by myself, changing jobs. You name it Big ol stress bucket. What I figured out is that most people did too. As a matter of fact it is kind of normal. Big changes in our life are a natural step in a new direction to achieve our hopes and dreams and wishes. When the big light bulb moment happened, that every transition did not have to be so difficult….. I think it took a long time for me to exhale. 2016 was another year of transition. My son was going to be heading off to college. I knew my house would feel different, my purpose was changing, and most of all I was going to be changing too. I felt that I had to wake myself up. Time was moving quicker. It seemed like only yesterday he was going to middle school and now all of a sudden he was off to college. I felt wiser this time about having changes in life. I felt more comfortable. I started focusing more on what I want. This blog is one of those things. You know what?? It has brought me joy. Unexpected sheer joy. Doing this changed me. Writing for fun changed the way I think about everything. What else could happen if I allowed myself to be vulnerable? When you have the guts to ask yourself about vulnerability , don’t be surprised as to what shows up.
They say when one thing changes, everything changes. During this same time a very successful group of gentlemen approached me at work and asked me to join their group . I am the only female of seven team members. Again something new… It has exhilarated me. I am excited to go work and talk to these guys. It has been like a breath of fresh air. Change/transition is mostly in our head. We all have the opportunity to experience life more fully when we allow the events to unfold. We do not I repeat, do not always have to be large and in charge.
Transitions in life are a natural occurrence. When we embrace the changes without fear the life we get is the one we were always looking for. One of my favorite expressions is “never put a period where God puts a comma.” I have seen this play out again and again. My son went off to college, it was not the end of the world. It was a whole new beginning for him, and a whole new beginning for me. I still have a daughter at home so I am not an empty nester. I like slow changes so I can think things through. My daughter is a risk taker. She will try anything even if she does not think she can master it. I love that about her. Fearless… Yes please. You know in Buddhism they say when the student is ready the Teacher will appear. I watch her try different things and my heart soars. My baby girl, my amazing teacher.
If you follow my blogs, you know that we have launched this new site. Yes I am transitioning again. Yes my niece, that one that is also not afraid to try new things, inspired me once again. Here we are on this path of leaving our fear behind and welcoming the New Year on the hope you will be inspired by your transitions and embrace them. Change sounds like a scary word, I have decided transitions sounds powerful and intentional. If you know someone who is Creative and would like to share their work with the world, can you send them my way? I have created as a website for those that want to share their talents in the world but can not be bothered to have their own site. Believe me I get it. I am still learning.. but hey isn’t that what it is all about… Learning and living???
Who is better than you? Nobody!!
Always a wonderful, insightful article. I always look forward to your blog. Thanks for being you!
Thanks for sharing your words of encouragement here. Change is hard, and often painful but those emotions are something we can all relate to.
I will never stop trying to get better at what I do, and believe in myself more.